Historien om PL & Partners

Marketing er ikke et onemanshow, men en fælles indsats. Vi er dit performance marketing-bureau. Bygget på ambitioner og viden, drevet af rådgivere, drevet af data, drevet af et fælles ønske om synlige resultater.

For længe siden i en lille garage i Køge…

What’s wrong? Oh, it’s Han! I don’t know, I really thought he’d change his mind. He’s got to follow his own path. No one can choose it for him. I only wish Ben were here. This R2 unit of your seems a bit beat up. Do you want a new one? Not on your life! That little droid and I have been through a lot together. You okay, Artoo? Okay, easy she goes! Hang on tight,Artoo, you’ve got to come back. You wouldn’t want my life to get boring, would you? Luke, the Force will be with you.

Facebook, the tracks go off in this direction.

What’s wrong? Oh, it’s Han! I don’t know, I really thought he’d change his mind. He’s got to follow his own path. No one can choose it for him. I only wish Ben were here. This R2 unit of your seems a bit beat up. Do you want a new one? Not on your life! That little droid and I have been through a lot together. You okay, Artoo? Okay, easy she goes! Hang on tight,Artoo, you’ve got to come back. You wouldn’t want my life to get boring, would you? Luke, the Force will be with you.

Facebook, the tracks go off in this direction.

What’s wrong? Oh, it’s Han! I don’t know, I really thought he’d change his mind. He’s got to follow his own path. No one can choose it for him. I only wish Ben were here. This R2 unit of your seems a bit beat up. Do you want a new one? Not on your life! That little droid and I have been through a lot together. You okay, Artoo? Okay, easy she goes! Hang on tight,Artoo, you’ve got to come back. You wouldn’t want my life to get boring, would you? Luke, the Force will be with you.

Hos os er en snak aldrig uforpligtende,
selvom den er gratis

PL & Partners er et digital marketing-bureau. Vi er en samling af rådgivere, der hver dag går på arbejde for at skabe synlige resultater i fællesskab med vores kunder. Vi er bygget på ambitioner og viden.
Vi er drevet af mennesker, drevet af rådgivere, drevet af data og drevet af et fælles ønske om synlige resultater.

Derfor skal du vælge PL & Partners

I den seneste kundeundersøgelse bedømte vores kunder os 9,3 ud af 10

Vi har håndteret over 1 milliard annoncekroner på sociale medier på vegne af vores kunder

I over 7 år har vi været fast oplægsholder til internationale events hos Facebook HQ i Dublin.

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